Keeping Nature Alive

Keeping Nature Alive

The Mid Calder pond and surrounding wood is a beautiful peaceful place and home to many birds and mammals. The pond unfortunately is void of life with dirty water. I think it would be a good idea to have this area cleaned and paths or boardwalks created to make it accessible to everyone. I have been studying the wildlife here for some time and although there are two Owl boxes up one is in a bad site. Yeah believe with investment and ideas we could erect bird boxes and bat boxes which would encourage breeding and with a clean pond life would return. Stocking it with small fish would encourage Kingfisher and Grebes. otter has been photographed at the pond but it never stays as there is not allot to eat. With maybe a few benches placed at good view points people could come and relax here watching nature. Branches cut back and dead trees removed from pond would make it a better site for humans and birds. As we loose our countryside to developers we must strive to save some off natures beauty before it’s gone forever. This could be a good attraction if managed correctly. It already holds pairs of birds like Nuthatch which is always worth saving.


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