Catch the Rain - rainwater butts for residents

Catch the Rain - rainwater butts for residents

To catch the rain where it falls and provide rainwater butts for households in Mid Calder. We would like to request between £500 - £2000 is allocated to provide a number of Mid Calder households with a water butt (on request for free, they are normally around £35+ each). Rainwater can be collected from the roofs of homes, garages, greenhouses. Connecting a water butt is relatively simply and will provide a water supply for gardening, making your plants happy as they prefer rainwater. The water butts would be provided as a one off free of charge to households who express interest within the scope of the fund. Installation would be the household’s responsibility. The River Almond Action Group would provide the necessary support to MCCC to implement this idea.


What a super idea - could link this with the veg garden idea

Sounds good, would love a water butt for watering plants and washing car. Saves water.

Great idea. Source-control sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) including water butts help to capture and attenuate rainwater at source, instead of clean rainwater being directly discharged into the sewer network, potentially contributing to river pollution events. Fully support this idea. Would work well with recent publicity re: river pollution concerns. Residents would become more engaged with doing their bit to clean up the River Almond for themselves and future generations.

Water is a valuable resource. Collecting and storing rainwater has many benefits from saving water, being better for plants to reducing flooding and even less river pollution from sewage overflows caused by heavy rain.

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